Access technology

Barcode ticket

The new flexibility. The barcode system with optional add-ons.

The ICA MultiTicket B barcode system is based on processing a barcode ticket for short-term parkers and compensation concept, as well as the chip card technology for use with season, debit and special parkers.

The new barcode printing and reading units integrated into MultiTicket B are extremely reliable and therefore minimise any operational costs. MultiTicket B is the flexible barcode system that adapts to suit your needs. All end devices are already set up for parallel chip card processing.

Dynamische Anzeigen Sani-Station ZKG5000 ST5000 AS4000 KB5000 KA4000 Chipkarte Barcode-Ticket ID-Ticketing Kennzeichenerkennung Weitbereichsleser Rabattierer Einzelplatzueberwachung E-Ladesaeulen Front-End-Geraete Zufahrtstechnologie Infrastruktur MultiTicket

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